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Influenza A H1N1 Formerly Called "SWINE FLU" is a  highly contagious respiratory infection caused by a virus which is easily spread from person-to-person.  You can be affected by. . .  read more

Zika Virus Mosquito Disease Jamaica

Concerned about the Zika Virus?  Fontana Pharmacy has compiled some important content to arm you with as much information as possible about the Zika Virusread more

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease Jamaica

Fontana Pharmacy is concerned with the health and wellbeing of our customers and country. As such we want to arm you with as much information as possible about the Chikungunya (Chik-V) virus.  read more

fontana-chikungunya-safegaurd-chik v virus jamaica

PLEASE NOTE: Product information listed here is not intended to be used as medical advice and should not be classified as such. Please consult your doctor before using any product listed here. Use only as recommended by your doctor. Some items listed here are not FDA approved and therefore cannot be shipped to the some countries which includes, the United States of America (USA), Canada and the United Kingdom (UK). Though we do not service prescriptions online, some items listed here may require a prescription for international shipping, as is stipulated by law.

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