$4,290.00 JMD Approximate price each is based on typical size(). Actual size may vary. Price varies with currency exchange rates and may be different than in store.
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About this item
Intimate Health Support: These suppositories are designed specifically to relieve and balance women's intimate health.
pH Balance: Boric acid's natural power can help you maintain a healthy pH balance while enhancing your comfort and wellbeing.
Odor Control: With our covert and efficient odor control system, you can say goodbye to unpleasant smells. Eliminates the smell coming from the vagina that is caused by a variety of things such as hormone changes, exercise, menopause, and intimacy.
60 Count: For women's wellness needs, each box of 60 suppositories provides effective and convenient long-term care.
USA-Made: Safrel Boric Acid Suppositories are made with only pure ingredients in the USA, ensuring both quality and safety.